Millennials, Do Not Imitate Your Parents
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Financial Priorities Young Families Should Address
Wise money moves for parents under 40. As you start a family, you start to think about certain financial matters. Before you became a mom...
Are You Really Saving Enough for Retirement?
Why an early start (and accepting some risk) matters. Are you on track to save $1 million or more for retirement? If you are 50 or...
Getting Kids Excited & Ready for the School Year
Little things that might help your children look forward to the fall. How can you get your kids back in school mode? Unscheduled summer...
Talking to Your Kids About Your Wealth
How can you convey its importance and its meaning? Are you an owner of a thriving business or a medical or legal practice? Are you a...
Do You Have a Financial Wellness Program?
Companies are luring & retaining employees with this key perk. What do your retirement plan participants wish you would offer? Besides...
Should Millennials Be Your Money Models?
Gen Y is doing some things right when it comes to saving & investing. Financially, Generation Y is often criticized for being risk averse...
Getting (Mentally) Ready to Retire
Even those who have saved millions must prepare for a lifestyle adjustment. A successful retirement is not merely measured in financial...
Which Financial Documents Should You Keep On File?
… and for how long? You might be surprised how many people have financial documents scattered all over the house – on the kitchen table,...
Has Your Identity Been Stolen?
Keep an eye out for these signs. As NBC News notes, identity theft hit 15.4 million Americans last year. Perhaps it hit you. You know you...